Saturday, November 10, 2007


Even without the photos from Chile, I took about 1500 pictures of Peru and Bolivia. After three days, they are finally dealt with. I uploaded about a quarter of them to flickr, but to make it easy, I've picked some of the best and made five flickr sets of the main segments of my trip.

Cusco and Machu Picchu, which were touristy, but spectacular
Lake Titicaca: peaceful, austere, and beautiful
La Paz, the bustling capital of Bolivia, and the most foreign city I've visited
The Word's Most Dangerous Road, which I road down on a bicycle
High Bolivian Desert, where seemingly endless salt flats are surrounded by volcanoes, steam vents, colored lakes, vicuñas, and flamingos

1 comment:

Craig said...

I decided to mark the rather graphic mummy photos from Bolivia as "moderate" on flickr, so you have be logged into flickr or yahoo for them to appear. If not, you won't even know they're missing.